Summer 2021

From the Editors

In this edition we will highlight individuals who help us connect to learn about ourselves,
understand further recovery, get support that impact health and wellbeing or become an
activist with a passion for a worthy cause.
Last year really showed us how important that human connection is. We took for granted,
a fleeting touch, kind words, a genuine welcome smile, until the global pandemic presented
itself and made us re-think re-arrange -re-invent our lives.
Food 4 All – Kate shares her inspirational story overcoming postnatal depression and
launching “Cake is Happening”. Community Profile Impact Cuisine Jeffrey Simon talks food
poverty “It’s an eye opener to see that people are living “hand to mouth”.
Nonetheless, our human connections became stronger as a result of the shared awfulness
of the spectra of Covid-19 leading to unrestricted looks and words, developing into
worthwhile communication.
Word Up Creatives get involved in Tapestries for Recovery free creative workshops. You
don’t need green fingers to join Joanna and team – sharing Weir Hall Road Growing &
Learning community action tips.
Gear in September for Green Chestnuts Eco Urban Festival during re-cycling week. M.O.B
Start-ups monthly networking continues supporting local entrepreneurs as lock down
eases. Daphne Gutfroind “The Good friends” coaching to impact on people’s lives. Rudi
Page Need to Know talks vaccine confidence dialogues: African and Caribbean community
and the importance of getting involved to shape the future.
As such if you would like to share your experiences for COVID-19 recovery, so that others
can learn and understand please contact us.
Many thanks to everyone who worked hard behind the scenes offering support to local
Wishing you well. Sonja & Team