Health, Beauty and Wellbeing

Skin fit for the Spring by Dianna

One of the best things you can do for your skin is to treat it with a suitable face
mask. Cold winds and central heating often lead to dryness, dehydration and
sensitivity during the winter months, so the application of a mask can kick start
your spring skin care routine and improve your skin’s texture and appearance.
The main ingredient for the recommended face masks can be found in your kitchen and the ingredient is an egg. The formula’s suggested are easy to create and have a positive effect on the skin

Egg Face Pack for Oily Skin

  • Place the egg white only, into a small
    bowl and whisk it until it is quite stiff
    (egg whites are rich in protein,
    absorb oil and tighten the skin)
  • Add 1 drop of lemon essential
    oil if the skin is very oily
  • Apply to the skin and leave for
    20 minutes or until dry
  • Remove with warm water
    and soft cotton wool pads
  • Apply a suitable moisturizing

Egg Face Pack for Dry Skin

  • Place one egg yolk into a small bowl.
  • Add 10ml’s of honey to the egg yolk
    (honey draws moisture from the air and
    has a brightening effect on the skin).
  • Stir the honey into the egg yolk to a
    smooth consistency
  • Apply to the skin and leave for 20minutes
  • Remove with soft cotton wool pads and
  • Apply a suitable moisturizing cream