Harmony Gardens Community Project

Harmony Gardens a charming space located at Broadwater Farm in the heart of Tottenham welcomes local residents to grow their own fruit and veg, whilst learning different skills and exercising at the same time. The location is a thriving hub of all sorts of community activity and provides fresh, locally grown organic food for the community.
This outdoor space focuses on urban life and was designed with the help of local residents and supported by dedicated volunteers.
The interactive colourful garden is ideal for individuals to become aware of their natural environment, gain practical green and sustainable knowledge and learn where their daily food originates from. With the support of specialist volunteers’ participants can learn how to grow and prepare healthy meals on a budget.

We interviewed Ruth, a long-standing volunteers and project leader who surprised and inspired us by sharing her perspective on the benefits of gardening and getting involved in food growing to help overall health and well-being see the video interview below.
Harmony Gardens work in partnership with EDIBLE LONDON an organisation dedicated to reduce food waste, eradicate poverty and promote sustainability.
The space also incorporates many biodiversity and habitat features to all participants to learn about the other plants and creatures we share the plant with and how they can be useful to us as pollinators, predators and composters.